dimanche 16 décembre 2012

I’ve won nothing and still lost everything!

L’amitié est parfois une perte de temps. Garder ses émotions pour soi dans le but de mieux connaître la personne… Bullshit! Prenez le soin et le courage de dire ce que vous pensez, souhaitez, ressentez, désirez, avant que ce ne soit trop tard, before some scumbag come and take your seat!

Michel Eyquem de Montaigne whispers in my ear that si on me presse de dire pourquoi il l’aimait, je sens que cela ne peut s’exprimer qu’en répondant : parce que c’était elle, parce que c’était moi.

But this particular lover was like somebody discovering a burning coal, holding it, cuddling it and putting it stupidly in his pocket like it was a diamond which will burn him endlessly. Il a attendu trop longtemps et elle ne l’aimait plus. And if you want to talk about it anymore, Lie here on the floor and cry on my shoulder, Once again. Cry on my shoulder, I'm a friend. – James Blunt

Life is full of things which harms your heart and it’s ok to not be ok he was told because la vie est faite plein de tourments, il suffit d’y faire face ou de s’en prendre en pleine face pour que vous ne soyez plus le même, pour que vous ne répétiez pas les mêmes erreurs, mistakes, blunders…

And now all it matters is someone in your life who excites you, makes you nervous, and forces you to question what you think you already know. These usually come in the form of a crush or a relationship. We live on love crush or crushes, but now it became frequent that people die with their heart crushed. Heart attack! Such a huge fléau. Et ça n’arrive qu’une fois, pour être votre dernier battement de cœur, votre dernier souffle de vie. Sans doute faudrait-il aimé qu’une seule fois dans sa vie. 

L’on n’aime bien qu’une seule fois : c’est la première; les amours qui suivent sont moins involontaires, lui disait Jean de la Bruyère

People say that in order to have someone love you, you got to love yourself and that’s another absurdity. Just do it in order to stay happy not to have too much self-esteem, pride and vanity as much as un ballon gonflé de vent dont il sort des tempêtes quand on y fait une piqûre. – Voltaire 

How can you still be friends! Especially after that… a love hidden by friendship, what a waste! So you are telling me that all you have done so far for her was not because she was your friend but because you loved her, but she doesn’t. All those small gifts, teddy bears, perfume, pendants, jewelries, earrings, flowers, books, chocolate… they were not valued as much as you wanted them to be and they were not valued as part of your love, but as friend gifts, or nothing anymore and that’s the worse it can happen to you. 

And now you all you want and need is a relationship where you both can act like idiots, talk about the most random stuff, share sweet memories and never get tired of each other.

Plaisir d’amour ne dure qu’un moment
Chagrin d’amour dure toute la vie
Finally he was searching for silence and the moonlight to cry… let him be!